Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Deals you don't wanna miss!

I got some great deals at Walgreens today and thought I would share!
Here was my transaction:
  • Gillette Body Wash: Regularly $5.99, on sale for $4.00
  • Gillette Deodorant: Regularly $8.99, on sale for $4.00
  • Almay One Coat Mascara: Regularly $6.99, on sale BOGO
  • Almay One Coat Mascara: Regularly $6.99, on sale BOGO
If you have Sunday's paper (11/1), there is a coupon for a free Gillette body wash with the purchase of a deodorant, as well as a coupon for $1 off the deodorant! That makes it $3 for both of those products + you earn a $2 RR = $0.50 each!!

For the Almay, there is a $4 coupon in the Walgreen's November book at the front of the stores. It takes the $4 off each tube, so you actually make $1 when you get two tubes!!

For all four items, I paid $1.99 + tax and got back $2 RR!!!!


Trace Car Driver said...

thanks SO much for the almay tip. i've been waiting to buy it til it went on sale. YAY. i will go today and enjoy my super savings :o)

The Grays said...


Trace Car Driver said...

well i went to the crestwood walgreens and they only let me use the $4 coupon once since they were already on sale. but $3 is still better than what i would have paid...