- OOP = Out of pocket (how much I spend)
- RR = Register Reward (it is like a gift certificate that prints out at the end of your receipt; Example: Colgate toothpast is $2.99 at Walgreens this week, but you will get a $2 register reward that prints out with your receipt. The idea is to roll your rewards and use them to buy stuff that generates more register rewards; you can use them on the same day and do multiple transactions or save them for your next visit, depending on what all your want to buy.)
- MQ = Manufacturer's coupon (can be found in newspaper inserts, may come in mail, etc. ex: $2 MQ from 12/14 SS means a $2 coupon that can be found in the SmartSaver insert from the 12/14 paper) I don't clip coupons. I take out all the coupon inserts from each week's paper. They are together in a booklet form and there are usually two each week. I write the date in black marker on the front of each insert and file them in order. Then, when I need one I clip it. That way I don't have to spend hours clipping each Sunday and then hours looking for coupons each week! This method just works best for me.
- ESR = EasySaver Rebate (this is a Walgreens thing; each month Walgreens prints a catalog of deals that are free, or earn additional rebates; You can match these with manufacturer's coupons for an even bigger deal; then, every time you make an eligible purchase, you enter your receipt number on their website and at the end of the month, you cash them all in. You can choose to get a check or a Walgreens gift card. If you opt for the Walgreens gift card, they add an additional 10% to your rebate!! )
- ESQ = EasySaver coupon (these are the coupons that are found in the EasySaver catalog; you can combine these coupons with manufacturer's coupons for an even bigger deal! You can use one store coupon and one manufacturer's coupon per item. Example: a few weeks ago Walgreens had Garnier Fructis shampoo on sale for $2.99; I combined with a $2 EasySaver coupon from the catalog and $1 manufacturer's coupon from the paper and got shampoo for free!)
- IVC = The same thing as an ESQ. These terms are used interchangeably. I try to stick to ESQ, but occassionally I'll use this.
- GC = Gift card (I get my gift cards from different places. My Walgreens gift cards are usually from filing my EasySaver Rebates for each month, and my CVS gift cards are usually from my bank. Our debit card is a rewards card. Essentially, our bank rewards us everytime we spend our money.)
- ECB = Extra Care Bucks (similar to RR, but these are only found at CVS; they are rewards that print out with your receipt. Example: Spend $20 on Pepsi, and you will earn $10 ECB. You spend $20 and you get a $10 gift certificate, so to speak, to use on your next purchase. The way this differs from Walgreens is you have to have a CVS ExtraCare card. It's free, and you can apply in stores. This is essential!!!)
- IP = internet printable coupon (coupon that can be found online and printed from your computer.)
- SS = Smart Source (that just means that a coupon came from the Smart Source insert of the paper; if you look in the upper left corner of the coupon inserts from your paper, you should see one that says Smart Source)
- RP = Red Plum (the other insert in your Sunday paper; it says Red Plum on it)
- PG = Proctor % Gamble or P & G (the Proctor & Gamble insert from Sunday papers; it is usually only in the paper the first Sunday of each month, but may vary; it has coupons for Proctor & Gamble products)
- Blinkie = a coupon that is in one of those machines in the grocery store, it usually has a red blinking light and says, "take one" or "try me".
Hopefully, this will help you get started on the money saving track!!