Monday, December 22, 2008

My CVS Trips from the weekend!

Don't laugh. I made 3 CVS trips this weekend. They were all on our route to Christmas parties except one, which was my weekly, scheduled trip. Here's what I got:

Stop #1: (Saturday, CVS in Cullman, AL)
  • Gift tags: $1.99
  • Rolaids x 4: $2.49 +$2.89 +$2.89 + $2.99 = $11.26
Regular price: $13.25
Used Rolaids coupons $1 x 3 (I had four coupons, but apparently she only scanned 3. I didn't notice until I got home.

= $10.25
Paid using ECBs = $5 (I had more, but they wouldn't scan. The manager came over and said CVS just issued a new coupon policy and wouldn't allow me to use any more coupons. I was upset, but no worries. Apparently it was just this store!)
OOP = $5.25 + tax
Earned ECBs = $2 for each Rolaids = $8.00 (still not a bad deal!)
Stop #2: (Saturday, CVS in Moody, AL)
  • Revlon Nail Polish x 2: $4.99 x 2 = $9.98
Regular price: $9.98
Revlon marked BOGO! I used 2 coupons for $2 each =

= $0.99
Paid using ECBs = $0, since I didn't have any for this small of an amount
OOP = $0.99 + tax
Earned ECBs = none for this trip; I just got this stuff because it was so cheap!
Stop #3: (Saturday, CVS in Birmingham, AL)
Transaction #1
  • Listerine Cool Mint 16.9 oz. x 2: Reg. $4.29 x 2 = $8.58, sale for $2.99 x 2 = $5.98, earned $2.99 ECB x 2 = $5.98
  • Right Guard Professional Strength Deodorant x 2: Reg. $9.99 x 2 = $19.98, sale for $6.00 x 2 = $12.00, earned $6.00 ECB x 2 = $12.00
  • Sleepinal Capsules: Reg. $8.99, sale for $8.49, earned $8.49 ECB
  • Excedrin Express Gels: Reg. $5.49, sale for $3.99, earned $3.99 ECB
  • Benefiber Drink Mix: $7.29, earned $7.29 ECB
Regular price: $50.33
Less sales, Excedrin coupon for $1, and CVS $5/15 coupon = $31.75
Paid using ECBs = $ 24.99
OOP = $6.76 + tax
Earned ECBs = $37.75
Stop #3: (Saturday, CVS in Birmingham, AL)
Transaction #2
  • Listerine Cool Mint 16.9 oz. x 2: Reg. $4.29 x 2 = $8.58, sale for $2.99 x 2 = $5.98, earned $2.99 ECB x 2 = $5.98
  • Right Guard Professional Strength Deodorant x 1: Reg. $9.99, sale for $6.00, earned $6.00 ECB
  • EAS Advantage Chocolate Shakes 4-pack: Reg. $7.99, sale for $7.49, earned $7.49 ECB
  • Halls Naturals Cough Drops: Reg. $2.79, sale for $2.59, earned $2.59 ECB
  • Alteril: Reg. $9.99, earned $9.99
Regular price: $39.34
Less sales and CVS $5/15 coupon = $27.05
Paid using ECBs = $26.47
OOP = $0.58+ tax
Earned ECBs = $32.05
Stop #3: (Saturday, CVS in Birmingham, AL)
Transaction #3
  • Listerine Cool Mint 16.9 oz. x 1: Reg. $4.29, sale for $2.99, earned $2.99 ECB
  • EAS Chocolate Chip Bar: Reg. $1.99, sale for $1.69, earned $1.69 ECB
  • Zantac 150: Reg. $5.19, sale for $4.99, earned $4.99 ECB
  • Right Guard Professional Strength Deodorant x 2: Reg. $9.99 x 2 = $19.98, sale for $6.00 x 2 = $12.00, earned $6.00 ECB x 2 = $12.00
  • SlimQuick Energy Drinks 2-pack: $4.99, earned $4.99 ECB
  • Zip Fizz Drink Mix 3-pack: $5.99, earned $5.99 ECB
  • Sally Hansen Nail Polish x 2: $5.99 x 2 = $11.98
  • L'oreal Eyeshadow Duo x 2: $6.99 x 2 = $13.98
  • Edge shaving gel: $2.69
Regular price: $71.37
Less sales= $61.30
Paid using ECBs = $43.33
OOP = $17.97 + tax
Earned ECBs = $58.61
My last transaction was actually supposed to be split into two transactions, but I miscalculated it since they didn't have the Arm and Hammer cleaner. I'm not disappointed though because I got some great stuff!

My weekend totals:
Regular price: $181.27
OOP: $31.55, and I now have $58.61 in ECBs!!!


Trina said...

I went to 3 CVS store last night. Why do I torture myself? Glad you were able to find alot of stuff. I wasn't so lucky.

Anonymous said...

what is the deal with listerine? LOL, i swear i saw it THREE times!!! hehehe.... ;)

Anonymous said...

what's the deal with so much listerine? just stocking up??? lol