Thursday, October 23, 2008

The problem with addictions is...

The problem with addictions is you always have to get your fix!

Medically speaking, addiction is a state of the body which causes a person to rely on a substance in order to function normally. Every addictive substance induces pleasant feelings or relieves distress. Addiction was originally a term used to for alcohol and drug abuse. In recent years, the term has spread to cover non-substance related dependencies. The term is then referring to recurring compulsive behavior by an individual to engage in a specific activity.

Does this describe me? Yes...
I am addicted to bargains. And I suppose if you're going to have an addiction, it's a pretty good one to have. And no, I'm not some miser who wants to hoard it all for myself. I love saving, so I can give more to others, and save for Jaxson's college of course.

Anyway, as I was headed back from my trip for costume stuff, I realized I had my CVS coupons and list in my car. So I had to stop. I didn't need anything, but when something is free, I can't pass it up. Besides, I had to pass right by CVS on my way home.

Here's what I got:
  • 2 pack of GUM brand toothbrushes: $3.99 - $3.99 earned ECBs = FREE
  • 1-32oz. Powerade: $1.69 - $1.69 earned ECBs = FREE
  • 3-20 count Excedrin: $5.49, on sale for $1.99 - 3 coupons for $2.00 off each, + MIR to try this for free = FREE + earned $2.02
Subtotal: $6.43
Less $ 3 ECBs
Total OOP: $3.43

I earned $5.68 ECBs, so I actually made $2.25 + MIR for $2.02 = $4.27 just for shopping at CVS!

I felt like I had my "fix" for the night! I was on cloud nine!

1 comment:

My name is Kristie said...

I admit that whenever I get to go to CVS I do feel as though I've had my fix.

Hello, my name is Kristie and I am a CVSer.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.